Can Emir Resmi Web Sitesi |
* @Date : 19-04-2007
* @Desc : TextLink Tool Tip Config File::
var tooltipConfig = {
/** Tooltip no that will be opened by default.Start from 1 for first tooltip. **/
pipeOpenNo : 1,
/** Total no of Tooltips **/
pipeCount : 7,
/** Pipe Div border color **/
pipedivBorder : '#F42070',
/** Each Pipe border color **/
pipeBorder : '#F42070',
/** Array of headings for each tootips.Keep order and numbers same as tooltips are. **/
pipeHeading : new Array('Say "Hey" Day','Make A Difference Day','Chocolate Day','Karva Chauth','Chili Month','eCard Month','October Flowers'
/** Array of small images for each tootips.Keep order and number same as tooltips are. **/
/** Give full path of images. **/
pipeImageName : new Array('http://img.123greetings.com/events/images/eoct_sayheyday.gif','http://img.123greetings.com/events/images/eoct_makedifferenceday.gif','http://img.123greetings.com/events/images/eoct_chocolateday.gif','http://img.123greetings.com/events/images/eoct_karvachauthindia.gif','http://img.123greetings.com/events/images/eoct_chilimonth.gif','http://img.123greetings.com/events/images/eoct_ecardmonth.gif','http://img.123greetings.com/events/images/eoct_flowerofthemonthoct.gif'
/** Array of caption will be shown beside of every small images for each tootips. **/
/** Keep order and number same as tooltips are. **/
pipeImgCaption : new Array('[Oct 25]','[Oct 27]','[Oct 28]','[Oct 29]','[October]','[October]','[October]'
/** Array of links for each tootips. **/
/** Keep order and number same as tooltips are. **/
pipeImgLinks : new Array('/rd2/?/events/say_hey_day/?pos=pp_1889','/rd2/?/events/make_a_difference_day/?pos=pp_1889','/rd2/?/events/chocolateday/?pos=pp_1889','/rd2/?/events/karva_chauth_india/?pos=pp_1889','/rd2/?/events/chili_month/?pos=pp_1889','/rd2/?/events/ecard_month/?pos=pp_1889','/rd2/?/events/flower_of_the_month_october/?pos=pp_1889'
/** Array of alt text for each tootips. **/
/** Keep order and number same as tooltips are. **/
pipeImgAltTxt : new Array('Say "Hey" Day','Make A Difference Day','Chocolate Day','Karva Chauth','Chili Month','eCard Month','October Flowers')